Servicenow flow designer get catalog variables script. I've created a flow triggered off a Service Catalog item.
Servicenow flow designer get catalog variables script a) Map the input variable to the variable being used in script step -> by selecting the data pills -> inputs variable Hello Community, I am using get Catalog Variable out of the box action of flow designer. ----- Hi, I have a script with me, I made changes to the existing scripting to suit my requirement, so I am getting [Object GlideRecord]. Set the trigger to "Catalog Item Requested. User can chose application from cmdb_ci_appl. I managed to get this working with 4 simple steps t I have a Multiple Choice Variable on a Catalog Item named "Role Selection (role_selection)", that has 3 possible values, as shown below: In Flow Designer, I am trying to display the Text of this selection in the Comments of an Approval that is being created. - It works perfectly on the Service Catalog form (I can see all the values I expect to be there) - On the Flo A flow uses Get Catalog Variables to return the value of a Select Box (choice field in Flow Designer). ; ServiceNow Learn more about ServiceNow products and solutions. I want to be able to access the labels in a flow designer script. var variables I have a requirement to set the dropdown field value on the case based on the variable value select on the form via flow designer Variable on the form is of multiplechoice type: eg: if user selects 1st option from the form the field value on the case will be set as allowed. After getting the Catalog Variable, add a "Set Flow Variable" to set the catalog variable to the Flow Variable. I cannot get this value. Context: Service Catalog Flow > Create Catalog Task > Short Description > script > I need to get the display value of a select box variable choice to help populate short description. trigger. Ex: code field -single line text. Mark as New; Instead of using a script, use the flow action 'Get Catalog Variables'. Currently we have the following script in all of our workflows that grabs only the populated or selected variables from the REQ/RITM and populates the catalog task description with this. In order to get the variable in above step you first need to call "Get Catalog Variable" and move date field variable right hand side. Image In flow designer based on few options, short description should be updated . To usage variables defined in the if branch after the if branch, create a Flow Variable. product; var grou How to retrieve variable values in Flow Designer Go to solution. Advance thanks. However, the variable set I have does not show up. My guess is you need to use the script portion of the rp and standard wf editor. How do I convert the sys_id to the Hi can anyone help with simple logic for flow designer for 3 select box variable catalog item. After submitting, the task should automatically run a script that will get the application the user enter. Create a flow with Trigger Type as Service Catalog. Now, depending on the chosen type, the catalog task will be assigned to a particular The backstory is that I'm building out a catalog item and once its submitted it goes through a workflow using flow designer. Convert the List Collector String Variable to an array by using the Split Transformation Function. I hope you can help me with the following requirement. Here is an example script To get variables from a catalog item in Flow designer, use the action “Get Catalog variables from Item” and select the catalog item in the template drop down, it would show you all the variables, pass them to the right and they would show on the data panel to the right as data pills. I have a question. So I have some variables that are on my catalog item and are hidden on the form. Unfortunately when it happened it was in a copied Production flow, not an actual flow that was being used, so opening a HI ticket wasn't an option. The visual representation of a variable in the Flow Designer user Published flows, subflows, and actions can be initiated in a server-side script with the FlowAPI. Since the variable references core_company, I can dot-walk to the "u_sub_id" field. I was thinking using a flow but i don't know how to pass the variable name from the Task to the script in the flow. It would randomly happen and wasn't consistently repeatable. short description should populate based on conditions if iPad == US i have to populate sctask Short description field with assignment group and ritm number, in new line requested for and department name should be populate. Table: item_option_new . Could you please check the below one let us know if any changes are required. Once you are back in your Flow you can add the action "Get Catalog Variables" and configure it to select your catalog item. ; Support Manage your instances, access Hi Please follow the below approach to achieve your requirement : 1. Hi all We are looking to start using Flow Designer and move away from the traditional Workflow. Use below script and add variables whatever you required in script i am taking 2 varibles Additional_software_requirements and Air Hi Guys, I was struggling for a while to have catalog item variables updated in flow designer. Each variable has its own data pill that developers can use to add the variable to action inputs. I am facing issue with choice variable of the Variable set. give 1 minute and then select "after" and then choose your date variable. variables. Then, use the flow variable in the if statement in step 9. Then, in our flow designer, we will identify what catalog item it is and will glide the custom table to identify what group to request approval of. There is a "Get Catalog variables" action you use in Flow Designer. The association between catalog item and variable set is stored in io_set_item. Here is how: ServiceNow Workflows: How to Create a Workflow in ServiceNow Using Flow Designer . task. I am doing that with an "Update" acti You can create a custom Script Action using the Action Designer: - In Flow Designer, click New > Action - Add your Requested Item as Action input - Add a Script Step - In your script step, add your requested item as input - Now you can access your variable set . To concatenate strings in a Flow Designer script for creating a task description field in ServiceNow, you need to ensure that you correctly reference the variables and format the string properly. Can you please correct the script. I have created a task where I want to give value to those variables. In Flow Designer, you'd use the same concept of retrieving those catalog variables as normal. u_requested_for Go to Flow Designer and create a new Flow. _2_1__get_catalog_variables. ser It seems to be a bug that happened to me since all the Flow designer upgrades in Washington to Workflow Studio. We are looking to start using Flow Designer and move away from the traditional Workflow. u_variable_name In doing this, you could re-use 1. actionstep. I've also been able to use the 'Get Catalog Variables' action to grab the variables from the Catalog Item in question, and use them as inputs to a Loading Loading You have a " Get Catalog Variables" action for that ("Choice") catalogue variable and you want to use the display value of it, typically in an Update Record action. Additionally, our catalog items are using the same Flow Service Catalog variables display in the Catalog Variables field of the Create Catalog Task and Get Catalog Variables actions. Strange though that the original custom Flow (created by previous developer) that I am replacing has the attachment variables being captured by "Get Catalog Variables". Here Parsed result_child0 holds a string value which is the Sys_id of the group record. ; Impact Drive a faster ROI and amplify your expertise with ServiceNow Impact. My issue is how to fetch those variables in a wo I am new to Flow Designer and I have been having issues how to dynamically change the catalog task assignment group based on a variable choice. This creates "Test Item" with the flow "Test Flow Triggers and actions create and populate variables. While with the catalog variable, you will need to start from the trigger and navigate from there. Issue-----If you use the pill from the Get Catalog Variables, only the value corresponding to the choice of the user for that catalogue variable will be returned. There is a "Get Catalog variables" action you use in Hey there, I am creating a flow for one of the catalog item, the initial requirement is to Assign the task to particular team according to selection on the choice field on catalog task level. Report Inappropriate Content 08-27-2024 10:26 AM. ” (Label reads Estimated Cost) This variable is a single line text. You can then reference those variables/values in other actions or parts of the Flow. From there, within the flow, you'd add a For Each Item step to walk through that ArrayObject, you could assign this to flow variables if needed. In step two of the flow, Estimated Cost is used as a Flow Variable, converting this to an integer. 1_get_catalog_variables. You can follow below steps-Create one custom action. 1. One of the variable is a "choice" (Look up Select Box). I have other fields that will get what I need. It looks at a certain value field from a table, which is a choice field, so there are labels and a value. we have observed system showing regular variables on catalog item and only shows one variable from a variabl Is a script with current. Save and publish the Subflow. NiharikaC. a)All are chosen-1 requests b)each checked individually-3 requests c)1&2 check bo Then call this custom action in your flow and then use the output as per your needs; Steps: 1) Create custom flow action. If iPad == India You can create a custom Script Action using the Action Designer: - In Flow Designer, click New > Action - Add your Requested Item as Action input - Add a Script Step - In your script step, add your requested item as input - Now you can access your variable set . jonathangilbert. Developer Build, test, and deploy applications on the Now Platform. In my Get Catalog Variables I have a value of List type. I need to pass a few variables from the catalog item to the flow, then from the flow to an ssh script to ansible playbook. I need to label to input into an action to change from false to true, so I need the label name. We do have a catalog item with list collector variable and we're trying to access via toggle script with below script and we're getting sys_id on the logs level but returned ones are not available on group table level. Hi, in Flow designer we are using oob action 'Get Catalog Variables'. requested_for; In Flow Designer, I tried the below but it does not work. Get catalog variables is only for catalog item. But it only fetches it and returns the Sys_ID to the email body when I used the data pill picker to reuse the group name in the body. Let's assume that we have a list collector variable approvers, and we want to get the list of approvers within our flow to perform some task. Mark as New; Bookmark; Subscribe; I wish to pass these variables into the script. Flow Designer - Wait for condition on updated field in Now Platform forum Wednesday; UI Builder Essentials: Navigating UI Builder - A Step-by-Step Tutorial in Next Experience blog 3 weeks ago; Trigger the approvals based on the catalog item variables in flow designer in Service Catalog forum 4 weeks ago Hello All, I have recently discovered that it is not possible to drag and drop data from the data pill values of the flow inside a script. **Order number is offset by +1 in E We do have a catalog item with list collector variable and we're trying to access via toggle script with below script and we're getting sys_id on the logs level but returned ones are not available on group table level. I have a line like this : Hello everyone, I have updated an existing catalog item, from using the traditional workflow to flow designer. return fd_data. Yet I cannot seem to get the display value. But this is not fetching or showing all Available variables from the selected Catalog item and Variable sets template. Inside the Subflow, you need the input RITM and the server field value which will be passed from the catalog item. Flows, subflows, and actions need to be published before a developer can get the code snippet. list. I am trying to return the label of a catalog variable in flow designer. getDisplayValue() is not working for this. For more information about Service Catalog actions, see Create Catalog Task action and Get Catalog Variables action. for 'Create Catalog Task' action in my flow, I have scripted the Assignment Group as one that has a name that starts with 'CLD - Saas' and contains the name of the product variable: var ag = fd_data. I am just beginning to use Flow Designer instead of workflows. Therefor We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Script must return a value. I'm trying to create a re-usable Flow in Flow Designer, but I'm unsure how that will work when using the 'Get Catalog Variables' step. _1_get_catalog_variables. Get the List Collector Variable Value from the Catalog Item using Get Catalog Variable Action. Hello ServiceNow Community, I have a use case for using this workflow to trigger approvals based on the variable “estimated_cost_per_fy. Hi, I'm playing with flow designer. Create a Database view on the two tables like this . (As opposed to using a reference field, where I can drag data pills. Example: I wish to do this if-statement check in a custom action, so that it can be re-used for each catalog item. Output variables: Outputs from a subflow or action are captured in variables to use in subsequent script steps when called synchronously Hello, I am using a Flow Designer Flow as process engine for a Catalog Item. I got confused because the record producer/catalog item variable and flow designer pill do not align: Hello, I added the flow field to form but it does not appear that you can use flow designer with record producers. Hello guys, I have created a Flow Designer that leverage the Service Catalog plug in and retrieve the variable from the Catalog Item. getDisplayValue() // returns nothing This should be possible using the script r Now that you’re in the code editor, you’re ready to start writing your script! The Basics - How To Retrieve Variables. your_delegate is an array of sys_ids var selectedDelegates = fd_data. Triggers and actions create and populate variables. The visual representation of a variable in the Flow Designer user interface is a data pill. Steps to Reproduce Import the attached update set. Flow variable script: v ar gr = new GlideRecord // Assuming fd_data. Expose the following fields in each table. Then, for the MVRS, you'll see that it's an ArrayObject. When I select the variables for the 'Create Catalog Task' action in Flow Designer, the container variables aren't included. Inside the flow, make use Get Catalog Variables action to get the server field value submitted by the requestor followed by calling Hi Sumit, Try the flow variables like below, var field1 = fd_data. Hi All, I built a flow designer on catalog item and it has got a reference variable "Action" and through the defined script include 3 actions are displayed like Add, Modify & Delete. In this example the variable set is called "rules": Hi all . Use the Data panel to see the variables and variable data types for a flow. Use below script and add variables whatever you required in script i am taking 2 varibles Additional_software_requirements and Air Catalog Variables are stored in a table item_option_new. NOTE: To get variables from a catalog item in Flow designer, use the action “Get Catalog variables from Item” and select the catalog item in the template drop down, it would show you all the A flow uses Get Catalog Variables to return the value of a Select Box (choice field in Flow Designer). I am giving the Variable set name in this action. VARIABLE_NAME; But thi Community Ask questions, give advice, and connect with fellow ServiceNow professionals. I've created a flow triggered off a Service Catalog item. If your flow is tied to a request item and you are using the "Service Catalog" initiation in your flow, there is a Get Catalog Variables action you could use to get the variables, and then create Hi everyone, I have the requirement how to access catalog variables in flow designer. Once your catalog item is selected in the "Template Catalog Item" you can then select the catalog variables to utilize in the flow like so: After which the variables will be available in the "Data" section of the flow: Hey there, I am creating a flow for one of the catalog item, the initial requirement is to Assign the task to particular team according to selection on the choice field on catalog task level. Hi @vijayaram ,. In the traditional workflow, customizing the Short Description is shown below. Choice-4 options(1,2,3,4) Short description should be in this format-Codefeild value-catalog item name-choice(based on user selection) How to write script for this in flow designer. This is the full flow and I'll take you through the individual steps. Office type field is a Passing Variable inputs into a flow designer script Go to solution. Here are my @Maik Skoddow I have Container Start and Container End variables on my catalog item so that the variables are displayed in multiple columns. Kilo Sage Options. If iPad == India Hi everyone. Below is the corrected syntax: return '\n' + 'Requested for: ' + fd_data. If you are keen You can create a record using ServiceNow Flow Designer from the actions menu. variable or with a pill: Since all variables within your set will be named the I got the script for to create multiple RITM from single request based on MRVS and for that they have written Run script in workflow. Using the "Get Catalog Variables" Flow Action multiple times will return Outdated Variables. I have tried both items below and cannot get the label. Catalog item name. I have found the "Get Catalog Variables" action, which allows me to access the catalog item variables. Will try to keep this succinct. ) Thus, I have to manually script it. Now we know that those variables we can get on the request item form and the catalog task form too. Then you can evaluate in the Flow, if the Flow variable is empty, set the value to something as you wrote, and finally use the Flow variable data as input in the description instead of the Catalog variable. I have an requirement of to write the script in flow designer. It seems like no matter what I do, I still get the value of the variable, which is true/false, or undefined. ; Support Manage your instances, access Inside the Subflow, you need the input RITM and the server field value which will be passed from the catalog item. ; Partner Grow your business with promotions, news, and marketing tools for partners. u_variable_name In doing this, you could re-use Hi! I'm currently trying to convert a Workflow to a Flow, where one of the steps of the workflow is to set RITM variables based on the existance of catalog item variables. I have tried "getDisplayValue" and "getLabel" Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. variable_name; Kindly mark my response correct and helpful if my suggestion resolved your query, Thanks Murali I am using a Flow Designer Flow as process engine for a Catalog Item. list; // returns sys_id return fd_data. ; Learning Build your skills with instructor-led and online training. One of them is a lookup select box. In workflow you can use something like: task. Previously in Workflow, you could access catalog item variables through script using something like current. Please see screenshot below. This object can access data from previous Users with the flow_designer role or the admin role can get the code snippet for a flow, subflow, or action. Documentation Find detailed information about ServiceNow products, apps, features, Support Manage your instances, access self-help, and get technical support. . In Flow Designer, for both true/false (checkbox) and choice values (yes/no), I do not have the option to use a data pill. Flow Designer - Wait for condition on updated field in Now Platform forum 2 weeks ago; UI Builder Essentials: Navigating UI Builder - A Step-by-Step Tutorial in Next Experience blog 01-23-2025; Trigger the approvals based on the catalog item variables in flow designer Developer Build, test, and deploy applications on the Now Platform. current. 2. I am attaching the script which is written in workflow. short_description = "This is my text" + current. u_delegate; You can add wait for condition from and choose relative duration. So far, I am only able to get the values. variables the only solution? Solved! Go to Solution. 3 check box variable are there based on chosen box we need sctask for each. Script must return I've recently started using the Flow Designer to create workflow for our Catalog Items. Loop Through Variables: You can use a Script step to loop through the variables. This is the script we are using /* **Access Flow/Action data using the fd_data object. These container variables don't seem to work with Flow Designer. In the Create Catalog Task action, I want to script the Short Description with text and the variable answers. and format the string properly. I would recommend to store the values retrieved from the Catalog variables in a Flow variable. Any ideas? Thanks, Chad I created a catalog item that has a Lookup Select Box to get the values from that table. Use the Script step to loop through the variables and create tasks for those that are marked true. short_description = current. 3) Create Script step. The inline script in Flow Designer gives you access to the fd_data object. The variables are associated either to a catalog item or to a variable set. In Flow Designer, I've created a new flow with a "Service Catalog" trigger so I can assign this flow to my Catalog Item. When referenced it returns the internal value, not the display value. Click on plues icon take script step. Flow Designer provides code snippets to use flows, subflows, and actions in scripts. ; Store Download certified apps and integrations that complement ServiceNow. However, once I get the catalog variables, I want to send an email to certain individuals once the request is created, which I have that part working. 2) Define the input variable as String. " Add Actions to the Flow: Add a "Create Task" action. When I am selecting that variable choice is Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, and releases. Is there a way to access a variable set as well within my Flow? Ani Thanks @Michael Fry1, looks like that may be it, the type I am trying to see is "Attachment" and I do not see that in the list. The solutions involved required scripting, what i wanted to avoid for something that I excepted to be straightforward. Make sure you select all the variables needed; Use 'IF' flow logic to check if the variables from the previous step are empty or not. a) Name - List Collector Convert to Array. variable1 + " - " + current. - It works perfectly on the Service Catalog form (I can see all the values I expect to be there) - On the Flo I'm trying to create a re-usable Flow in Flow Designer, but I'm unsure how that will work when using the 'Get Catalog Variables' step. Table: io Add Get Catalog Variables from Acess, and populate them as something like the below. I have successfully been able to pass the sysid into the script, but i cant get the tablename and fieldname to pass into the script without it erroring How to get Display Value from get catalog variable in flow designer I need to get server CMDB CI name for list type i am trying to convert the SYS ID of the catalog variable form get catalog variable and trun that into display name in set flow variables I am trying to replicate form https://www. For a certain flow, I get catalog variables. Then you need only return each value you need within an output variable via script: Back in your flow, your output variables will be available either with fd_data. Your Documentation Find detailed info about ServiceNow products, apps, features, I thought it could be possible to create script in flow designer. assignment_group; var product = fd_data. If as a fulfiller I select on of the choice on catalog task That is, variables declared within the if statement can only be used within the if branch. Create a flow with Trigger Type as Service Catalog. Moving forwards, I created a flow to handle the submission of this request. Developer Build, test, and deploy applications. Tera Contributor Options. In this example the variable set is called "rules": Hi everyone, I have the requirement how to access catalog variables in flow designer. Hello All, In flow designer i created a set a flow variable, Please check the attached screenshot. Inside the flow, make use Get Catalog Variables action to get the server field value submitted by the requestor followed by calling your Subflow. In my catalog item, I have 2 variables, Type (Select box) and Software. Kindly help. I would like to check this variable "Action" value during the approval process and based on Hi All I am trying to set a flow variable, by taking values from 2 catalog variables, but my script does not populate anything I wish to take the 1st letter from the "First Name" variable and the whole value from the "Surname" variable, so that in the example John Smith would give a flow variable of "Jsmith" - The flow runs against a catalog item that contains a reference variable (called "customer") that references [core_company] - Within the inline script, I want to return the first entry in the List field into a variable. I haven't added further logic to go from the approval (just a log statement), because that will be dependent on your use case how you want to proceed based I have a catalog item with one single variable. /* **Access Flow/Action data using the fd_data object. Into talk there will be 7 combinations. They display in the Flow:variablename format and are only available to the flow in which they are defined. Create a Subflow which will be responsible to create the catalog task. My issue is that when I pull in the variables from the catalog, the variable in question is of type 'choice' but displays no values inside of it? Dear all, The Get Catalog Variables action fetches the group name provided through the catalog item. Could not find much information. ntwu tym sirgd bbrg mux uvftv jqe yzt rxfy rocjcqo lpjxv xrfs ydar mint miurm