Fldigi frequency list. Now when selecting 160m from the WSJT-X frequency list, 1.
Fldigi frequency list 52 integrated w. These modes (MT-63 2KL and Olivia- 8/500 are modes commonly used by Ohio ARES) allow operators to make contact, pass information and to transmit messages using one of the variety of forms in the companion FLMSG software including standardized Incident Command System (ICS) and Can fldigi control the radio at all, i. For this tutorial we will be using the acoustic coupling method and will be using the MT63-2000L mode. The NNY HF Fldigi Net operates on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7 PM local time 7. ×. Listed and (tune to) frequency. 20. xml files. 1 1. 18. 5. , exactly 1. 1. The audio frequency you select in fldigi will produce a signal above the dial-frequency. 16 and flrig 1. Frequency List. Any help appreciated. FSQ uses 33 tones spaced by 3 times the 3 baud symbol rate or 8. Use the fine frequency arrow (found at the bottom center of the waterfall) to fine tune the frequency. 0 >>> fldigi. It can FREQUENCY The big frequency displayed at the upper left (14070. All detected codes are annunciated. 45 baud rate -- 60 words per minute. My setup: Fldigi 4. Thus, the following table has the dial frequencies that correspond to a 1500Hz audio centre frequency. Please ensure the font chosen in Fldigi has the characters for the language you are trying to use, otherwise Fldigi will just display every character as an empty box. Shift Left/Right - move the b/w marker by 1 Hz ; Ctrl Left/Right - move the b/w marker by 10 Hz ; Frequency list. On reception of a RS ID, two events occur: the mode used is detected and the central frequency of the RSID, which is also the central frequency of the identified mode, is determined with a precision of 2. FSQ is essentially a speeded-up version of the weak-signal mode WSQ2, introduced in 2013. This frequency is the actual frequency your rig thinks WWV is at – it takes the 600 Hz offset into account. At this point you should have rig control from fldigi and changing frequencies in fldigi should be reflected on the radio and visa versa. You can check The FT8 Once that is done fldigi should communicate with flrig and changes such as frequency or bandwidth in flrig or fldigi should be reflected in the other. 042. The default address and port is 127. 7 Hz. 550. Any older heard list entries with the same callsign are purged. The manual says you just click in the window and start typing. can you change frequency in fldigi and have the radio change to match? Nu From: winfldigi@groups. Use FLRIG with FLDIGI is checked. 070 in your case) + the waterfall offset so it looks like the cursor on the waterfall is set to 698 Hz. rig. The default frequency is 800 Hz. 1 and 3. The one in fldigi can operate anywhere in the audio spectrum, so it makes sense for it to be centred on 1500HZ,which is the centre of the filters on my IC-756ProII. We do not wish to cause interference to each other. The OFDM 500F and 750F modes are tx/rx frequency-agile modes. To use the new frequencies definition, use the Book icon in Fldigi controls, under the frequency display. 070 YES. List of WEFAX frequencies and locations for North America. If I turn the dial on my rig, fldigi updates right away. The frequency, Off (time off), and #Out are filled by the program. Shift Left/Right - move the b/w marker by 1 Hz ; Ctrl Left/Right - move the b/w The frequencies are: 518 kHz : International frequency, always in English. 150 MHz: 6 meters: 50. Click RxID and TxID (top). Characteristics []. 01-1_amd64 NAME fldigi - digital modem program for hamradio operators SYNOPSIS fldigi [OPTIONS] DESCRIPTION Fldigi is a cross-platform multi-modem program for most of the digital modes used by radio amateurs today: CW, PSK, MFSK, MT-63, RTTY, Hellschreiber, DominoEX, Olivia, THOR and Throb are all supported. The baud rate can be selected on the fsq configuration tab, or by left clicking on the left most entry on the fldigi main Edit Fldigi Frequency List Stew #14679 How can you edit the Fldigi frequency list? I can't find the file to edit. Detection of existing scripts. cxx for the xmlrpc The 3,855. 4317. Enters some arbitrary text into the Transmit pane. Fine tune with the Adjust Cursor Frequency adjustment. g. Click Save at the bottom of the page. Fldigi can maintain an unlimited (except for disk space) number of logbooks. It is Windows 10 operating system. Other Modes Many other data modes are available for experimentation, including Pactor and Clover that enhance packet operation, and MFSK, Olivia, Throb, DominoEX, MT63, and Thor Fldigi supports up to 48 macro definitions in sets of 12. 840 000 will show in WSJT-X, but the radio will show 1. frequency # read to demonstrate its initial value 7070200. Click it once and the log controls will be replaced by a frequency list. When changing to a different modem, both with a macro and via the Op Mode menu, while "Lock transmit frequency" is enabled (the green indicator is illuminated Download fldigi for free. 3. The filter bandwidth is set to 2 Hz and the tracking time constants Fldigi is a software modem for Amateur Radio use. Click MT63-2000L. f. This macro will display the message: <QSY:abcdef> Increment must be positive. In Fldigi, select PSK31 as the operating mode. The frequencies are: 518 kHz : International frequency, always in English. 75: 1. If you change operating mode on the transceiver, that will be annunciated in the respective combobox and fldigi will adjust any internal parameters accordingly. 5 kHz below the center frequency, e. For fun Where are the best frequencies on the amateur bands to listen to various digital modes and in your opinion, which are the most popular? Tuning around with fldigi I realize I need some way of recognizing the various modes a bit better. NBEMS Digital Training Nets. In the fldigi display window, all the images looked fine but when I looked at the saved files they all have that funky out of phase look. 070 for PSK31. The right arrow key moves the display higher in frequency. io Subject: Re: [winfldigi] Fldigi not following my transceiver After signing with Peter, I tuned up to 7104 kHz, the FSQ frequency on 40m. Modes OFDM 2000, and 2000F are transmit-frequency locked (rx agile only). toggle quoted message Show quoted text On Apr Returns the list of available rig bandwidths: Setter: Sets the list of available rig bandwidths: Type: str: Client >>> fldigi. So click on 14070 and the KX3 frequency should change to 14070. Then fldigi was used in the "Freq Analysis" mode to track the WWV carrier at 10 MHz. 525, 145. This one isn't too bad but one can see carrier at -50 dBc and opposite sideband at -55 dBc +/-. I do use a high audio frequency to minimize harmonic issues. Fldigi maintains a large set of QSO logbook fields that will probably be sufficient for casual operating, contesting and some certificate logging. Provided by: fldigi_3. Click on the little phone book (Open List). Click 1500 on the waterfall. The actual frequency you are transmitting on is listed in the Freq box, as in this example: With a dial-frequency of 1810 kHz, and an audio frequency The frequency in the logging area of the fldigi window is the frequency in the big frequency field (14. Favorite frequencies for fldigi William Knoche 2013-02-25 16:10:27 UTC. 070 and 14. The frequency/mode pick list is displayed when the book button is pressed. You have to set the Another method you can try with FLDigi; Select the correct "Op Mode" Use the waterfall's cursor and signal on a low frequency below the first tic mark. PSK31 ops are on 14. The mode change is contingent on the mode being reported by the spotter and included in the 'Notes' block. txt in the fldigi. e. <view_frequencies. * Add frequencies from external database: The website Currently, Fldigi by Dave, W1HKJ has a Frequency Analysis Mode that can measure a signal’s frequency to three decimal places; i. 500: 1. Connect the audio output of your SDR software to the audio input of Fldigi. A different format may easily be chosen by the operators after the QSO starts. > > Until (and unless) the fldigi code is changed to support multiple frequencies2 text files I suggest the following: > > Set up fldigi and modify the What are the preferred frequencies for Fldigi on 80m, 40m & 20m? Hi Robert, As the others have said, the frequencies depend on which Mode you are using within Fldigi. I've never seen it work until today, with my Icom 7200 -OFF-. Ham Radio Digital Modem Application. 9 - 1. 2, FLDIGI V 4. 4209. 00 (correctly) but the logging frequency shows 14070. 065MHz (+/- QRM) dial frequency - USB, 1500 Hz audio center The net will utilize Fldigi with the THOR22 mode at check-in. Submitted 4 years 4 months ago by w2naf. The time off DESCRIPTION. At the very top of the program window is a conventional drop-down menu. Jim, When you bring up the list of frequencies you will see a plus and minus sign. This is the default value. 9. The ARRL Frequency Measurement Test (FMT) is a bi-annual event that has its roots back to 1931! Back then, it was needed to ensure that Official Observers (OOs) could FLDIGI_AUDIO_FREQUENCY=1000 FLDIGI_LOG_NAME=Skip FLDIGI_PID=14600 FLDIGI_FREQUENCY=3581000 . SSB Modes - There are six modes which can be used for weak signal 10m/6m+ SSB or FM VHF/UHF. * New frequency list format compatible with the old one. It still measures an unknown frequency At the end of your message, to have fldigi automatically stop transmitting audio and put fldigi back into receive mode, place the caret symbol ^ followed by an r like pictured below. prefs and fldigi_def. All the others can be populated by manual keyboard entry or by selection from the Rx panel. 5 x the baud Baud (unit symbol Bd) is the unit for symbol rate or modulation rate in symbols per -----I've noticed an issue I am having after installing FLDIGI 4. Here is a short list of frequencies to get you started. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. If you are wanting to send a message using a form, Frequency - 443. However, it is possible to adjust for example to 850 Hz for Deutsche Wetter Dienst. Note that if your rig uses something different from DATA-U for getting digital Fldigi Users Manual Documentation. If using 14. I like to use 14070 most of the time but depending on band conditions you may need to use a different band. Thanks for what you collectively do!! Tom WD4FFN One thing that I haven't been able to get to work right is manually entering a frequency. 3. All licensed stations are urged to check in by sending your call sign and any Butte Local Digital-Mode Practice Frequencies Using FlDigi (and other non-packet modes) Command Net: 147. Olivia (16/500) (Use FLDigi to recieve olivia modes) 60m 5. Then tune your rig to 7104 KHz center frequency (which is generally 7102. There must be valid frequencies. Shift-Left click - delete the line under the cursor ; Middle click - replace the line under the cursor with the current frequency/mode After having selected a frequency from the list and pressing the green arrow to select it, the far left display changes but the logging frequency does not. All of the above envelope variables can be referenced in a shell script that is called from within fldigi. All contents are saved in the file ~/. 838. fldigi was designed to do digital modes in USB. Fldigi supports both modes. The 2 most common formats for calling CQ or initiating QSOs are: Olivia 500/16 and Olivia 1000/32. Contents Index; Generated by 1. After Assuring The Monitor transmitted signal Button Is Checked, Click On The FFT Processing Tab. If you tune USB (which you should do), it is best to tune about 1. Small digital images are selected from those stored on the disk. Use them to add or remove a freq. Log4OM 2. Hello Ed, First of all, please keep in mind that the usually published FAX QRGs are the center of the data signal, while some sources may instead list a (theoretical) carrier frequency. 490 kHz : Regional transmission, in local languages (Not used in the United States). I'm not using cluster yet as I'm not Your choice is NONE, 300, 400 or 500 Hz for the low pass filter 6 dB cutoff frequency. 13 with two different New FLDigi FMT Mode for Upcoming Frequency Measurement Test. Thanks for what you collectively do!! Tom WD4FFN Fldigi (short for Fast light digital) [4] is a free and open-source program which allows an ordinary computer's sound card to be used as a simple two-way data modem. The center button with the two vertical block lines is a "center the signal" button. It is a sound card based program that is used for both transmitting and receiving data in any of the following modes: BPSK and QPSK 31, 63, 125, 250 (both), and 63F and 500 PSK31 HF Frequencies: PSK31 VHF Frequencies: Band: Frequency: Band: Frequency: 160 meters: 1. John, K2CIB The only thing I would change on the website is the table of frequencies. Pressing the book button a second time will restore the original logging panel. If you use the USB mode in fldigi the frequency will read out with increasing frequency to the right. You can elect to view the reports with the most recent on either the top or the bottom of the list. A reminder, QRP is a power reference, not a mode. fldigi/notify. Recently, a new Frequency Measuring Test Mode has been added that will replace the Frequency Analysis Mode. 20 (a clean install on Windows 10 19042 after deleting C:\Users\Name\fldigi. I am trying to use the frequency selection frequency in FLDIGI to select a frequency in name, rather than frequency. MFSK (Multi-Frequency Shift Keying) Olivia; CW (Morse code via sound card) THOR, It is still a popular communications mode, but now uses PCs for coding and decoding, using 170 Hz frequency shift keying at a 45. The first Check the box at the top to “Use RigCat” and then click Initialize. frequency = 7000000. png> Frequency Pick List The pick list buttons control selecting, adding and deleting entries in the frequency/mode list. Mouse For starters, get your fldigi or FSQcall. 23. Fldigi operates (as does most similar software) in conjunction with a conventional HF SSB radio transceiver, and uses the PC sound card as the main means of input from the radio, and output to the radio. and experimental modes, so voice OK too here. 655 – Tone 136. If the lower box is checked then flrig will send fldigi audio to the radio when the PTT button is clicked otherwise PTT will just key the rig with no power out. SHARES members use existing HF radio resources to coordinate and transmit messages needed to perform critical Note 1: For 20 meter ops, the FHC calling frequency is 14. Frequency List The frequency/mode pick list is displayed when the book button is pressed. That I am aware of, Digital modes are not 500hz offset. Have the rig on the freq. It can help calibrate a sound card to a time signal and do frequency measurement tests. See Configure Script Commands for other available Center-frequencies of 1500Hz and 1750Hz have been reported to work best. In this case, it allows fldigi to scan all FM frequencies by clicking the macro button. 7890625 Hz Hertz (Hz), unit of frequency, defined as one cycle per second (1 Hz). Permalink. There are 16 possibilities of Olivia Formats There are many different combinations of formats, but only about 6 Olivia MFSK bandwidth/tone formats are in common use. Adjust the bandwidth to around 3 kHz. FLRIG V 1. FLDigi (Fast Light Digital Modem Application) is a popular and versatile software for radio amateurs, specially designed for operation in digital modes. Right clicking on a heard list entry deletes that entry from the list. prefs. The image transmission is similar to but not compatible with the IFKP image Hi Stew, you can only add or delete the row on the Frequencies list in the software. Make sure fldigi is in RTTY mode using the "Op Mode" from the fldigi menu and not the rig mode list that is below the frequency display in fldigi. 040 YES 14. Other modes are used a bit less often. There Is No Need To Click On The Mouse Tab, Unless You Want To Play With The FLDIGI Mouse Function Menu. It is a unique mode for fldigi users in that it is a line by line transmission rather than character by character. Click Op Mode. Look at the code base in flrig: src/server/xml_server. That frequency list is actually floating on the web Repeater Status No known issues with: 146. If you change operating mode on the transceiver, that will be annunciated in the respective combobox and fldigi will adjust any internal parameters accordingly. Set the bandwidth desired and mode to DATA-U for digital mode use in fldigi. FLDIGI works fine with audio but no connection to FLRIG server (frequency or PTT). Adjust the settings in Fldigi to match the PSK31 signal parameters. Mode WPM Fldigi has both a fast acquire / slow tracking AFC system. files clicking under File menu This is in Italian language, but the directory is the same. 105 + Alt: 146. The Fldigi is a computer program intended for Amateur Radio Digital Modes operation using a PC (Personal Computer). It can also help calibrate The SHAred RESources (SHARES) High Frequency (HF) Radio program provides an additional means for users with a national security and emergency preparedness mission to communicate when landline and cellular communications are unavailable. If you click on any of the items, a list of optional functions will appear. 5 VFO + 1500 on the waterfall) or another frequency where you know there's an FSQ station listening, and type the QTC command into your blue send-text pane. A shortwave radio capable of receiving in USB mode (Upper Side Band) between 2MHz and 23. 1 FLDIGI uses any of a number of digital modes for keyboard to keyboard communications. It also uses 33 tones, in this case spaced 9Hz apart (actually 8. 908. 4MHz. If you want to edit the list easly you have to open the file frequencies2. In general, you should be able to find PSK31 being used around 14070 in the daytime and 7070 in the evening. The implementation reflects this structure: The Navtex modem is a specialization of the SITOR-B modem. 0 # Set to 7 MHz >>> fldigi. Double-click on a frequency and it should adjust the frequency and mode of your rig. All 48 macro buttons can be displayed in a matrix. This macro will fail: <QSY:89000-1000 All RSID's are detected by fldigi, but not all are decoded. Restore user data when issues with FLdigi requires the deletion or reset of fldigi. Thus, the following If you have already installed fldigi and flmsg, as well as configured them, You are now ready to start transmitting and receiving with Fldigi. Band: Dial (FL-digi) Dial (HRD) Audio Centre: 160m: 1. (MARS USE). Most of fldigi's unusual shortcuts are specific to this widget. All frequencies listed are in USB mode. The implementation reflects this fldigi can operate on a wide range of RTTY symbol rates and bandwidths. I want to change some frequencies bit more importantly I want to change the USB to DIGU to help the filter settings on my Flex radio. The lettering should go from red to black. 500 Alt: 145. The frequency increment must be positive. fldigi queries the transceiver 10 times per second to maintain a lock step with the transceiver. 0. Keyboard menu selection is also List of Log Fields. Click Save And Then Close (if You Made Any Changes To The Default Values) Otherwise Click Just Close. 000 kHz signal seemed about the best for me here. So, I’m off and running with FSQ. 565, 145. and in the mode you want to add when you hit the plus sign. This morning I switched to the Northwood frequency of 4,610. Tuesday, October 20, 2020 - 20:18. I'm not sure about the FT-710, but most radios should work fine with Fldigi using the standard USB mode. However, it is important to understand the layout and functionality of the Fldigi screen: • The waterfall displays signal strength across the radio’s audio passband. My 18-July-2012 TS-590S calibration to WWV using the fldigi Frequency Analysis tool may not have been perfect. The TS-590's SO-3 TXCO adjustment pot is really touchy. Thursday, October 29, 2020 - 14:00. My go fldigi can operate on a wide range of RTTY symbol rates and bandwidths. Peter went from just hearing about the mode to his first QSO in minutes! He was my first FSQ QSO as well. io > On Behalf Of Cliff Sent: June 16, 2018 1:11 PM To: winfldigi@groups. 807. 071/14. I had a hard time getting the fldigi frequency counter to settle and as noted below the numbers changed slightly when I closed the cover on the TS-590. I have built a list the The one in fldigi can operate anywhere in the audio spectrum, so it makes sense for it to be centred on 1500HZ,which is the centre of the filters on my IC-756ProII. Fldigi is a modem program for most of the digital modes used by radio amateurs today: CW, PSK, MFSK, RTTY, Hell, DominoEX, Olivia, and Throb are all supported. 1 and tried default port and also 55555 on FLRIG and FLDIGI. While playing around with the FLDIGI program, which now supports FSQ, I saw the callsign ve3so pop up on my screen. If the mode on your radio is not Data, go ahead and press the Data button. 175 MHz +5 MHz offset Supported Modes - DMR, System Fusion/C4FM, D-STAR Fldigi can be used to accurately measure the frequency of a remote signal that is transmitting a steady carrier. The list has a context menu for quick access to Update, Remove, and Toggle. to 1 mHz (millihertz). Tune your SDR receiver to a frequency where PSK31 signals are present. exe program installed and talking to your rig. 4. Using 127. 8 Hz. 5 Hz Use this for voice coordinating digital operations on other bands. 5 kHz : Marine Safety Information. Open a decoding software like Fldigi. 73, Cliff, AE5ZA. Using your rig’s calibration procedure, adjust your rig’s calibration so the Fldigi frequency at the bottom of the screen is Workshop content can be presented as a webinar. 5 kHz = 4316. By example, the frequency list that comes with FLDIGI shows 7. 5125 or 443. Fldigi is a cross-platform multi-modem program for most of the digital modes used by radio amateurs today: CW, PSK, MFSK, MT-63, RTTY, Hellschreiber, DominoEX, Olivia, THOR and Throb are all supported. These two buttons are repeating buttons. It’s Open Source. RTTY (Use FLDigi to recieve RTTY) 7. Macro definitions are not recursive, that is; a macro cannot reference another macro or itself. Here is the list of possible messages: Invalid frequency range. Select MT63. Net Operations A script can be created for setting the rig frequency, waterfall offset, modem, rig mode, and custom macros. The text may contain <MACRO>s and these will be expanded as usual. frequency # read back to demonstrate that it changed 7000000. files), which did not happen in 4. Windows 10 20H2. The Obfuscation would be the norm. 070 and the QRP club uses 14. For fun I am trying to use the frequency selection frequency in FLDIGI to select a frequency in name, rather than frequency. Perhaps a silly question I miss having a menu of favorite frequencies. 809 I'm not sure about the FT-710, but most radios should work fine with Fldigi using the standard USB mode. 4 kHz. Use the narrower filters for noisy conditions, but remember that filtering will both reduce the image noise and also blur the image. 071 etc), and FLDIGI will land you in the middle of the 3KHZ bandwidth by default (1500hz). 3665 USB Main (Y) Full Lic Only this band I'm trying to get the Fldigi work but I have one problem, when I change the frequency on Fldigi, it won't change on the my Icom IC-7000. 000 kHz and very soon the pictures started rolling in. IFKP specification. 2054(2052 Just went through setting this up and have some weird sync issues with both FLDigi 4. 959 and does not change when different frequencies are selected . 2 Meter FM Digital: 145. Depending on the radio you are using a the radio mode should be USB or what ever New IC-7300 works fine with FLRIG. The fldigi computer program for receiving digital modes, available for all platforms. Fldigi Configuration. 0) may be meaningless if your rig does not have digital frequency control! Merely set your frequency manually on such a rig. Hold them down and the display slews at about 20 shifts / sec. I have built a list the way I need to look at the list and it changes the sequence I wrote the list. fldigi receiving a WEFAX image from the I have used Digital Master 780, Fldigi, WSJT-X, JT65-HF (HB9HQX Edition), Now when selecting 160m from the WSJT-X frequency list, 1. Menu. The software is mostly used by amateur radio operators who connect the microphone and headphone connections of an amateur radio SSB or FM transceiver to the computer's headphone and microphone FLDIGI & FLMSG Training Guide Page 6 3. 4. cxx flwkey: src/misc/xmlrpc_rig. Wefax transmissions are USB, with the center of the frequency modulated audio signal center at 1900 Hertz. On Fri, Mar 1, 2024 at Configuring FLDigi to support a specific net operation. In this mode the decoder is merely a very narrow band AFC tracking filter. Use the cardinal Frequency (7. Center Frequency. Waterfall display - Keyboard. The logbook title bar will show you which logbook you currently have open. 290 MHz FSQ, Fast Simple QSO, is an Incremental-Frequency-Keyed mode using an offset differential modulation scheme similar to DominoEX, and Thor. This segment comes from a measurement session during Fall 2021 ARRL bottom of the Fldigi screen. 808. fldigi-thor can send and receive images and avatars when the modem is set to 11, 16 or 22 baud. For example at the moment the large display on the far left shows 7040. Maximum rows number Ralph Smith, AB4RS explains how to use fldigi for high accuracy radio signal measurements. io < winfldigi@groups. Dave K3GAU. Left clicking on a heard list entry inserts that callsign in the Tx panel at the cursor position. 910 * 440. 00. 1:12345 Write your code to connect to that address:port combination and you can query the server for the supported commands. The blue pen is indicating the rough frequency selection. Fldigi features basic rig control, logging, and contest Displays an alert window with some text and a "go to that frequency" button. 063 and UP to 14. These are audio-frequency signals. Frequency shift adjustment. In Fldigi I used to click on the list to move bands or click on the frequency digits to change frequency. Place the red bandwidth bar (see above) so that it overlies the desired signal and then press the left mouse flrig performs the function of an xmlrpc server to any cooperative client, including fldigi and flwkey. IFKP is a incremental frequency keyed mode with an offset of +1. 580 Misc. This is rather annoying and disruptive and it sometimes takes a few seconds or Now, lets test it. In some cases it doesn't make any difference whether you use LSB or USB but in other modes it does. It looks like the problem is that fldigi sends the new frequency every keypress (in other words, before you are done typing). It can also help calibrate a sound card to a time signal and do on-air frequency measurement tests. Left clicking on a spotted report line will transfer the frequency and mode to fldigi's operating parameters. Fldigi Configuration PSK31 (Use FLDigi to recieve PSK modes) 7. 73, Roby Section 2: Navigating the Fldigi Screen When used with Flmsg or Flamp, the Fldigi application is used minimally by the operator. 069. 060 as their calling frequency. 0 (all the latest versions on Windows 10) used with Icom IC-7610 Everything works great except that flrig, unprompted and at seemingly random times, suddenly changes the frequency in VFO A to that in VFO B. The main display for fldigi is the waterfall display shown above in color and in scale x1. 073, be sure to avoid interference with the JT65 or FT8 area. ftvcai otmi fpfgj jxdh ullfyran xack vodo ctzhlv piacxe yzxb dbj igspn gitvc rzfe znwvs