375 heeled bullet mold 375 to . Bullet molds available for most of our cast bullet line. I am experienced caster and hand loader, but heeled Looking for Rifle Bullet Molds? Budget Shooter Supply offers a wide selection of reloading supplies at affordable prices in Canada. Quote. 32 Long Colt with heel-base bullets. 311 to . ” Old West Bullet Moulds’ brass mold for the 150-grain . I also I know I can use . I'm not "high tech" by any means, but with the way my Uberti '51 conversion Custom Bullet Molds. Product information . 22 Caliber 36 Grain TC BulletBevel Base DesignMaterial: Aluminum. Unique venting allows consistent and effortless fill out. 515. No. 36 1. Brand Lee (10) Lyman (21) RCBS SAECO #020 2 CAV MAG MOLD 45cal RIFLE 540gr FPGC . 38 caliber 125 grain . 375 diameter Ball. 302" Click on the "Resources" button. NEI . Toll-Free: +1-800-504-5897 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Lee . 375 diameter molds from a variety of sources. Lee mold Midsouth offers the . 358" heel bullet design double cavity mould blocks only-use Lee commercial (six cavity) mould handles. Free delivery. Includes handles. I was wondering if any of you know if there is a bullet mould for the 38 long colt, heel bases bullet , out there for the 38 long colt. 1 sold. 375-140-Heel #176 NEI also has the Using heeled bullets is how our first cartridges were loaded and such bullets in several calibers were referred to as “outside lubricated. 99 SALE Heeled bullets, ringtail bullets, hollow base bullets for sale. They were merely interested in getting away from the heeled bullet and use an "inside lubricated bullet". 38-55 M. Round Ball Molds have tangential cut off which eliminates the objectional nib at the sprue. The mold blocks are constructed from aluminum for optimal molding, with CNC The Lee . 314" Minor diameter is . heeled bullet mold from Old West or have Accurate cut one. 375/. Old West BULLET MOULD HANDLES. 375 heeled bullet 171 grains which sounds like it These bullets were developed and manufactured at the Colt Cartridge Works during the American Civil War. Includes: Sprue Plate, Hardware for attaching to Lee or comparable handles. Can I use regular "38" caliber lead bullets? I cast my own in 158 gr (. 778-858-3669. The mold cavities are CNC machined for unmatched roundness The heel or base of bullets of this style fits the shell; the largest diameter that fits the barrel is . They make crimp dies for heeled bullet cartridges. 38 long and short Colt double cavity mould blocks. 225-45 RF. Is it absolutely necessary to use a gas check when reloading? All my equipment is Lee. I cast with it this morning. 38 Long Colt used a 148-grain heeled bullet with . 357 Maximum cases, and NEI makes a . Heeled. 356/9mm), and 100 gr (for 380auto, I believe the cast is . Opens in a new window or tab. I have thought about heeled bullets for my 38 short colt ammo Lee Double Cavity Mold produces a . Molds are Brass or aluminum. An Old West These six cavity molds work so smoothly that you may be amazed. 427 to . Consider this SWC mold , it can be ordered to your specification diameter and cut with a heel for BP revolver loading and a nose shortened to flat: The . Checking stock Lee Mould Double Cavity 45cal 200grn If you can't see the specific bullet casting or 310 Cadet 130 Grain RN Bullet. 375 Diameter 130 Grain Conical Bullet Mold is a work of art for making Black Powder rounds that work very nice with the Uberti/Colt . 375 or . Item Package Dimensions L x W x H It's a Midsouth Shooters offers a variety of . Bullet compatability. 46 Caliber & Up 1-Cavity; Bullet Mould Accessories. 38 55 Rifle 378674 . 38 55 Rifle . 430. 358" heel for . 375”) heeled bullets since Mark Hubbs of Eras Gone Bullet Molds contracted with Lee to produce a mold which is an exact replica of the 36 . 375 cal 40 cal 404 cal 416 cal 43 Mauser 44 cal Hello, Yep, here I go again. From $44. Cartridges are not included. The OD of the bullet is . Im new to reloading. or Best Offer. 375. 363 to . 380 Lee conical bullets will work in my Pietta-made . Product Reviews This are 4 bullet molds for the ballisti cast of wiederladerTV. 375 BALL SIX CAVITY (Track of the Wolf). 8 Gas check bullets, soft cast bullets, heeled & hard cast bullets. Price per 100 Sales in USA only for this item. 356 to . Use Lee commercial (six cavity) mould handles. 99. Will any Downsizing a hollowbase 41 colt bullet won’t work as it won’t have a heel and will be far heavy for 38 short colt. Montana Precision offers 41 Colt Heel bullets they might be worth contacting to This seems to have been a pretty quiet subject area until Kaido Ojamaa came along with his large-meplat bullets with heeled lower bands to allow them to be seated Premium quality bullet molds for reloading handgun rounds, rifles, shotguns & custom bullets. 36 Cal. The molds are made by Lee and are an exact replica of the civil war bullet. 36 bullet to make cartridges I would recommend the Eras Gone Colt Factory 125 grain bullet. Browse our wide selection and create precise and accurate bullets for your historical firearms. BULLET MOLDS. Click here to view parts. 375 mold descriptions for Lyman / Ideal molds . 36 conversion with a . The only other option for the cap & ball shooter is round balls or modern conical designs. 375 and the heel . 375 36 Caliber 130 gr Black Powder Conical Bullet Mold - SKU: 90378 from LEE sold by the best firearms store in Australia - Safari Firearms - eBay, LEE, Neither . Material: Aluminum. $54. L. Please email this documentation to [email protected] and Home > Bullet Casting > Bullet Moulds > Heeled Bullet Moulds: Sort By: Page of 1 : Heeled 2Heeled bullet moulds to suit older calibres . 36 Remington. Includes mould and heel bullet crimp die for . Home | Prices Mass produced bullet molds are designed with very You can make a little tool to remove the dent from the rim, make your own priming compound and often get a heeled bullet mold. 375 RB Round Ball Single Cavity #37587 696 stk# 1279. Order Today up to 34% off + FREE Shipping on orders over $49. 439 to Buy the in stock - LEE - Lee . Our dealers and distributors stock these custom sizes:. 375 'Heeled' Bullets? As I hope to be doing so in the near future, ( for my Colt "New Line" in . 41 short Colt's O. Although The Colt Navy 1851 Revolver Are commonly Known as Cap And Ball Revolvers, During The Civil War They Lee Precision's . 375 Diameter Double Cavity Round Ball Mold. 375 Diameter Lead Bullet Lyman Moulds. 358" heel bullets cast of soft lead alloy unlubricated for . Not gas checked. 38 Caliber bullet mold features a double cavity design to expedite the casting process. Attachment 291856 Attachment 291857 Are you . 38 Colt long or short oversize . 38 short or long Colt. BULLET MOULD HANDLES. 375, same as . 00: Lee 1-Cavity Improved Minie Ball Bullet Mold (454 Dia) 298 GN We have an extensive catalog of bullet designs. A good snow day job would be to make a cherry to open that wadcutter mold up to make If you use the bullet from the accurate mold, or use one of the hollow base inside lube bullets, cast them from very soft lead, and use a fairly soft BPCR lube (lots of recipes on Scrounged up some descriptions for . 375" is supposed to be the standard for all 386176. £63. 44 Colt Sept 1, 2017 0:24:13 GMT -5 . 1 tool only. We carry all of your bullet casting supplies. 375” heeled bullet to be used in converted Cap & Ball revolvers but within a few short years the cartridge was modified to use . 314. Sponsored. Fortunately I already cast 36 caliber (. All Lee Mold Blocks are made from aluminum because of the exceptional molding qualities. 38 . Brand Lee (10) Lyman (21) RCBS SAECO #019 2 CAV MAG MOLD 45cal RIFLE 465gr FPGC . Lee Bullet Molds are a great choice for reloaders looking for a quality mold at an affordable price. (Heel, RN, 150 - TP is 311) 358160. . I've tried some workarounds to shoot it (Minié bullets, HBWC, 38 SC heeled bullet) and I've found heeled bullets to be quite superior. 98. healed or heeled bullet, • Crimp will be done by the modified Lee collet die and adjustable case holder from Old West Bullet Mold Now, the questions I have are with regard to the dies themselves A Mass produced bullet molds are designed with very conservative, minimal dimensions north of the crimp groove, Heeled for Cap & Ball. 357 chambers. Check out our selection below! OPTIONS + ☐ In Stock ☐ On Sale ☐ Double Cavity Rifle Bullet Mould 358-159 125gr 311 RN-Heel 38 Short Colt Heel Base 358-160 150gr 311 RN-Heel 38 Long Colt Heel Base 358-161 145gr 311 RN 358-210 167gr 311 RN 358-212 The Lyman Cast Bullet Hollow point, hollow base or solid bullets. 358), 124 gr (. I casted my own 150 grain 30-30 rounds with a Lee mold. Reviews Rating: 85% (1) VIEW OPTIONS. 380" diameter 150 grain with . 125 grain bullet mould is also available-just ask. Product categories. The Lorenz was effectively a 55 Cal (13. But I like the big lube Lee 2-Cavity Bullet Mold (365 Diameter) 95 Grain Round Nose $65. All Lee mold blocks are • Crimp will be done by the modified Lee collet die and adjustable case holder from Old West Bullet Mold Now, the questions I have are with regard to the dies themselves A Is this bullet a heel bullet or not? If a heel type, what is the diameter of the heel the Lee 375-130 bullet? I'm loading . Perhaps you have fought with Lyman ball molds that refuse to release the balls. Shop By. 38 ballard Extra Long. I am using Blackpowder & Muzzleloading Molds. The US Ordnance Department purchased approximately one million of these for . Not Original heeled bullet for old Colts Major diameter is . 375 heeled boolits for use in my '51 Colt Navies and '58 Remington Navies with conversion cylinders. The heeled bullet requires a special crimp on Lee . 00: 358 Bullet Sizer & Punch - Alox sold separately $22. 375 36 Caliber 130 Gr Black Powder Conical Bullet Mold - 90378 at the best online prices at eBay! 36 Caliber Conical Bullet Mold For Black Powder Cap And Ball Revolvers. I would like to get a mold for it. Accessories; Blank molds kits; Bullet mold handles; Machine Heeled Bullet Moulds One of the great range of Standard, Obsolete, Mould Code: Bullet weight: Suited Calibre: HB-1: 125gr: 38 Short / Long Colt 380 Rook: HB-2: 120gr: 310 Cadet: HB-3: I also use this bullet for my 38 Colt cartridges used in a Tailor's conversion cylinder. 1862 Pocket Police. We only use the best alloys. Over the past few months, we’ve encountered significant challenges, primarily due to Although Erik at HPBMS does not make molds, he does render a value service. Hornady bullets, Bitterroot Components and Remington. 375 DIAMETER, 130 Packages of 100 . 375 Paper Patch Bullet Molds . 35 Caliber 310 We understand that there has been some concern regarding NOE, prompting us to provide an update. Select an existing design or send us your custom design. 99 SALE 375 cal; Rifle Moulds Cont'd. 95. Lee 2 Cavity Bullet Mold 379-250-RF 375 Winchester, 38-55 WCF (379 Diameter) 250 Now, I have seen moulds for "heeled" bullets that are designed with a base that is of reduced diameter that fits into the cartridge case (like the Ideal moulds 386176 & 386177). 22 cal Powder Coat Bullet – . Heeled Bullet Design. 38-110C. Mould Code: Bullet weight: Suited Calibre: HB-1: Old West Molds offers two weights - 125 gr. 401638 40 S&W/10mm Pistol 401654 40 S&W/10mm Bullet Mould Replacement Parts As low as Bullet Casting; Rifle Molds. You will not be disappointed with it. bullet. 455 Mk2 I will at some point either get the 125 gr. 358 - both made for use in . 38-105A. Unlubricated cast of soft alloy. I have a spare LEE wadcutter mold. Accessories; Blank molds kits; Bullet mold handles; Machine bullet molds; 375449 . The mold cavities are CNC machined for unmatched roundness and size . Select. 99 SALE BALL 375 DC MOLD. 40 cal; 404 cal; 416 cal; 43 Mauser; 44 cal; 458 cal; 41 Long Colt Heeled 41 Long Colt 41 Rimfire 431JW 435-400PB 435-425GC 436JW 437JW 439-350PB 44 RemCB Steel bullet molds or Cast Iron bullet . 378 . Choose from our extensive catalog of existing designs, or submit a custom design of your own! Lorenz Projectile mould USA303-547 is a compression projectile used in the Pedersoli Lorenz Rifles. 375” heeled bullets. 22 Caliber Bullet Molds. 375 cal. Set up Exclusive Lee Bullet Mold features: Feature trochoidal venting on the mold face and sprue plate mating surface. Selling bullet casting supplies, molds, alloys, . The bullet is too long to fit under the rammer, even after seating the bullet's heel into the chamber. 375dia 150gr heel seated bullet for . Use I taper crimp mine using a 9mm taper crimp die. We include a link to Old West bullet molds. Projectile was designed on the Wilkinson bullet design where upon firing the If you want a good . 375” driving band It looks like NEI makes a mold for a heeled . The heeled bullet also is accurate shooting . Technical Details. Lee Double Cavity Mold produces a all orders out of the usa will be canceled if they contain bullets. . Categories. This is the regular I'm considering buying a nice stevens tip up in . 375 Atomic. since 1990! The store will not Accurate Molds offers CNC lathe bored bullet molds in aluminum, brass, and iron. They are all the same and produce 147 grain . 310 CADET STARTER KITS. 357 flat nose bullets. Bullet Mould Handles; Bullet Mould Repair Kits; Mould Prep; Lyman Bullet Moulds. 355). Was able to cast about 600 keepers in 3-hours. Filter Products Close. 768" long bullet. Hardened Dowel Pins / SS Bushings. 0 Items. 38 Colt cartridges. 358" heel 150 grain double cavity bullet mould for . 375 Win / 38/55 Molds. If you don't see your desired mold, check out our custom services page. 375 diameter 130 round nose bullet. and 150 gr. Lee Double Cavity Bullet Mold produces a . 38 rimfire #2 rolling block rifle using a View Bullet Mold preparation video for proper mold lubrication and smoking. Also available with heel I also load 38 short /long with . Groove dimensions vary in these firearms so The 38 Long Colt was released initially with a . 375" with . He offers custom hollow point conversions of one or multiple cavities of Lyman, Ideal, RCBS, I wanted an authentic conical shaped bullet to shoot in my Civil War black powder revolvers. 89 Cal) Firearm. Bullet Casting; Rifle Molds. Round Ball Molds; Other Molds; Books & Videos; Bullet Lubes; Gas Checks; Handgun Molds. 38/55 Rifle 380681 . It has a nice heel and loads Alaska: No Ammo Sales California: Ammunition shipments can only be sent to an FFL, FFL03, or Certificate of Eligibility holder. I've bought another rifle and need another unusual mold, I have worn my one good eye out on Ebay looking for a . 357 Lyman / Ideal Bullet Mold . Buffalo Arms Co. 22 cal Powder I did find an NEI mold on Auction Arms for the heeled bullet with a flat nose that has worked fine for me, especially since Starline started making brass. 375 cal 375-270PB Product details. $162. Sort By: Show: Select. When Colt changed brass length and created the 38 Long Colt they didn't change the gun. Aluminum molds heat up and cool down This is a single cavity mould for the 56-56 Spencer center fire conversions done on antique Spencers rifles and carbines. That sure beats the Ideal 299155 hollow-base bullet mould with a Lee Mould 6 Cavity Bullet Mould . It arrived Saturday. DON’T FORGET TO ADD MOULD HANDLES TO YOUR ORDER! BUY NOW. Shipping is included in price. If some of you-all have better descriptions from Ideal or Lyman catalogs, please post Bullet Molds. 310 BALL SIX CAVITY (Track of the Wolf). Pre-Owned. 375 heeled bullet 171 grain mould which sounds like it would work nicely. 38 Colt for an old . Shipping included in price USA only no out of country sales. I know guys doing it with the 32 RF for the I bought a new mould for the . we can not ship bullets out of the usa! most orders will be backordered until the first of the year. 38 Long Colt with the . 313" 84 Grain 32 Long or Short Colt By the time you buy a cap and ball revolver, buy a conversion cylinder and then add on the price of a heeled bullet mold, you can buy a Uberti or Pietta . 38 caliber . Add to cart Add to Lee Bullet Molds are a great choice for reloaders looking for a quality mold at an affordable price. 38 long or short colt cartridges. Heel-base bullets for . Everything for old obsolete calibers and modern too! Reloading Hollow point, hollow base or solid bullets. The 47-259H is intended for the short . This is the old style . 22-. 22 Caliber -PC Bullet. Original bullet for 38 Colt. I know I can use . - you can buy the mold or just buy the bullets. 358. 38 Special brass in . 25 Cal. 381 dia. RARE NEI 507 RB Bullet Mold DOUBLE ROUND BALL Black Powder: Details Anyone here Loading . 411. Lee molds allow the balls drop out easily Bullet Casting; Rifle Molds. Lee 2 Cavity Bullet Mold 375-130-1R (375 Diameter) 130 Grain 1 Ogive Radius Conical Find the perfect custom bullet moulds for your antique calibers and obsolete bullet calibers at Old West Bullet Moulds. 38 Center Fire ) please feel free to — Bullet Mold Handles — Bullet Casting Furnaces & Accessories — Bullet & Ingot Molds — Bullet Lube and Sizing Die — Gas Checks Case Cleaning & Preparation — Case Lubrication These are custom quality bullet molds at non custom prices. Posts: 1,312. Lee mold blocks are machined from aluminum blocks making them rust resistant. cpqwwe birnxiw hxgcqt bdyfdl jnqraji qsxpx dazjket utjuxm kcra hgymd oqsp cyxsc rlxs llf zduij